Thank you for your interest in having RPP Hobby sponsor your event. RPP Hobby is proud to be a supporter of many charitable groups and community events.
Through this program we offer product support for events that meet our criteria. Because we receive so many requests from the community we need to have all completed applications submitted a minimum of three months (90 days) prior to your event. Please understand that due to the number of Sponsorship requests received, we can't reply to all requests, however all requests will be reviewed. Please see list for other rules and requirements.
Sponsorship Requirements
1.The sponsorship application must include a copy of event flyer and/or entry form. In addition, we strongly suggest including press clippings, marketing collateral and photos from prior events.
2.Any proceeds generated from the event/program are used to improve the racing,rock crawling,scale trail running or fun fly program in that community.
3.The RPP Hobby and/or Gear Head logo(s) will be used on all material promoting the event. This includes, but is not limited to, newspaper advertising, broadcast spots, PSA’s, billboards, banners, signage, websites, entry forms/flyers, premiums, t-shirts and tickets.
4.RPP Hobby is not liable for fulfillment of promises of logo placement in sponsorship space made by organization to other sponsorships of the event.
5.By submitting a sponsorship application, you will be agreeing to the above requirements and terms.. .
Note: Submission of a sponsorship application does not guarantee sponsorship. Due to the quantity of sponsorship requests received, only approved requests will receive a reply.
Instructions: |
Group or organization name*: |
Event title*: |
Event start date*: |
Event end date*: |
Event location* |
Event description/details*: |
Has RPP Hobbysponsored this event in the past? *: |
No |
Number of years event has
been held*: |
Expected attendance*: |
Entries for each class*: |
What do the proceeds benefit?*: |
Will RPP Hobby be the exclusive title sponsor?*: |
No |
Are you willing to share your organizations mailing/e-mail lists with*: |
No |
Are you a current customer of RPP Hobby?*: |
No |
What will RPP Hobby receive in exchange for its sponsorship? (entries, website advertising, list usage, logo placements, reciprocal links)?*: |
Contact Name*: |
Contact Phone*: |
Contact Email*: |
Contact Address*: |
URL of event website: |
Click here if you agree to the terms of sponsorship*: |
You acknowledge the Radio Controlled hobby is potentially dangerous and thus agree to defend, indemnify and hold RPP Hobby harmless against any and all claims or liabilities which directly or indirectly relate to the donated goods, services or monetary support provided to you by RPP Hobby for the event subject to this agreement.
Please enter the following code into the box provided: